Dr. Eric Karlstrom's 2 sites: Gang Stalking, Mind Control, and Cults and 9/11 NWO
Introduction to Code Named Pretty Eyes
January 2025
A true account of a Targeted Individual of FBI-orchestrated “slow-kill” Gang Stalking.
Pamela Ayn Austen
Gang Stalking is a world-wide network of people from the Dark Triad classification of psychological disorders. It is a global hidden murder-for-hire ring, much like there are pedophile rings, theft rings, drug rings, and kidnapping rings. Just as these other rings are secretly run and funded by Luciferian-aligned governments, militaries, police, intelligence agencies, and from their various secret-society lodges, so is the hidden murder-for-hire ring. Because the Luciferian Freemasons, Illuminati, and Jesuits long ago took control of all branches of the military, intelligence, courts, and politics, these criminal rings have had mostly unfettered license to prosper and grow for hundreds of years. Control over these crime rings is handed down through elite bloodlines, such as the Black Royalty of Europe, since they run the Luciferian secret societies and mafias, along with the Jesuits: the world-wide intelligence arm of the Vatican which aspires to be head of the one world religion for the new world order.
The CIA and FBI are linked to all the Luciferian-aligned lodges and sects, and they are linked to all the police, sheriff, and state troopers through the National Data Exchange and (LEEP) Law Enforcement Enterprise Portal and FBI Fusion Centers, and they create private security fronts and shell companies whereby they coordinate Gang Stalking. Through InfraGard membership, highly degreed Dark Triad corporate employees, academics, and business owners can pass along names to the FBI of those people they want investigated and/or taken out of the way. While I cannot possibly know all the ways this diabolical system is managed, I believe from my own experience that the FBI in each state, such as the TBI in Tennessee, is the primary and over-arching ghost in the skullduggery machine.
The FBI and CIA, by even the most rudimentary historical research, are found to be heavily into the occult, having been enmeshed with Satanists from their inception, and they are terrorist organizations that have been allowed to murder at will by their fellow Luciferian-aligned political members of the American government. The top Freemasonic Luciferians in London, and the European Black Royalty, along with the Zionist Mossad, attempt to rule America and all NATO nations from the deep dark shadows. It is probable that they rule all the nations of the world through the central nation of Switzerland, which is the only neutral nation besides Vatican City, and they own both sides of politics, fund both sides, and maneuver both sides for the benefit of the now long-in-the-teeth new world order agenda: that which could simply be dubbed Dark Triad International.
Global Gang Stalking, the worldwide murder-for-hire ring, is at the disposal of any and all entities that bow to the new world order agenda, including churches. The one world religion is Luciferian-ism, and the new world order government practices Luciferian-ism, and eventually, all those who do not enjoy death in all its manifestations will be eradicated, since it is nothing more than a Satanic Dark Triad death-cult.
If you have married a person in the Dark Triad grouping who holds any standing in the community or within a corporation, church, school, etc., as I did, you most likely haven’t just married them. The chance is excellent that you have married a cog within the crime ring global machine, and if this one Dark Triad entity cannot control you or take you down, or if Jesus helps you finally wiggle out of their grip of steel, they may finally hand you over to the Network for a take-down by the billion-man-standing-army of killers in their secret fraternities, and you then become an around-the-clock, online, live-action entertainment for them as you are robbed of your life and hunted daily like an animal. They root for your death in their community of like-minded murderers. They bond and socialize over killing their Targets. Group cruelty and savagery is their love-language.
This is why a Targeted Individual often feels like they are well-known to the Gang Stalkers, as though they are even famous. There is a society online getting off on watching them run, squirm, cry, and try to save themself and figure out what the heck is happening. Many of the hidden murder-for-hire ring participants are on the dark web placing bets on which Targets they want tortured, and how, and which ones they believe will kill themselves. The Gang Stalkers post updates daily, and they post videos of the Target being humiliated, or of them breaking into the Target’s home, and they even steal the Target’s underwear and post them online and perhaps sell them, as happened to me. They receive trophies and group-accolades for their accomplishments. The system is specifically designed for Dark Triad personality-disordered-people; and normal people, who are growing fewer by the day, could never face the full truth of what these predators do without being internally destroyed.
Some of these Gang Stalkers might be calling themselves “The Drips” saying: “many drips make a pool.” It means two things, 1.) by many Gang Stalkers the Target is drowned, and 2.) they contribute to the Bitcoin pool amount for the Target’s take-down. This was discovered and proven by a TI when they scoured the dark web for answers. (See image of the screenshot.)
Under the pictures of Targets, some of them looking as young as three years old, it tells whether the “pool” for them is open or closed. People then have an opportunity to contribute to the pool for torturing whichever Target they want. Under their pictures, some say “Video Available, Multiple Formats,” and others say “Taking Requests” on how to torture them or giving opportunities to torture them, and others say, “Trophies Available!” They have a “Top Pools” category of the Targets getting the most bets placed for their life. They have tabs on the site for Streams, DVDs, Active Pools, Underwear, Face Casts, Trophies, Requests, Vintage. Under each Target’s picture, it shows the Current Pool amount for that Target.
They are stalking, kidnapping, torturing, mocking, raping, using for snuff-films, and rooting for their death. These Gang Stalkers are people who, from a young age, were warped in their minds and hearts to become aroused by the humiliation, destruction, and death of others. Like all Dark Triad personality-disordered people, the Gang Stalkers or the drips[1] have mastered the art of appearing super-normal within society, and they trained themselves from an early age to hide their craven and evil desires. However, over time, the Masonic orders who wanted to use all of the evil inclinations of these Dark Triad people found a way to network these monsters into a single global unit called the Network, or the Company, or the Syndicate. For the murder-for-hire Gang Stalking Network, they formed for them a coalition complete with a hierarchy, and a cover-story called community policing, homeland security, True Justice, with real protection for them within normal society by Masonic controlled police and courts. They gave them a platform for secret communication, and a never-ending money supply from the Switzerland printed money, other crime rings, governmental taxpayer thefts, and pedophile billionaires to perpetuate and accelerate this kill-game worldwide.
[From Travistock Agenda Timeline: “In the period following the War to End All Wars, Viennese witch doctors came to realize that neurotic disabilities were endemic and pervasive in society. The Travistock Institution of Medical Psychology (London) was founded in 1920 in order to take advantage of these neuroses and develop manipulative procedures.”
“John Rees, Deputy Director of Travistock, developed the ‘Travistock Method,’ which induces and controls stress via what Rees called ‘psychologically controlled environments’ in order to make people give up firmly held beliefs under ‘peer pressure.’”]
Gang Stalkers and workers in the hidden murder-for-hire ring are robust and healthy liars; they’re all Dark Triads, which are narcissists, psychopaths, and Machiavellians (or a combination thereof); and they can get away with murder. They have no conscience, and their appetite for death and humiliation is insatiable. They are blood-thirsty sexual deviants who traffic in human flesh, and they are the ones who make the dark-web, porn sites, and pedophilia rings flourish, as well as the gruesomely evil snuff-film and chop-shop murder-rings that prey upon the helpless homeless. Take into account that in order for a Luciferian initiate to rise to the highest offices, highest fame, highest spheres of influence in society, it requires committing the most heinous acts before the dark lord, and ritually, not just one time. These acts must continue faithfully, upon sworn pain of death.
As the reader considers all of this, consider this too: nearly all police officers in all cities, states, and NATO countries are not only central figures in the Gang Stalking Network, but they protect it. The courts, judges, lawyers, politicians, mainstream media: they’re nearly all in on it and protecting it due to their Luciferian secret society connections and their Dark Triad lost-boy personalities. The time has come, and is covertly now, that if a person is not a member of some arm of the Freemason secret cults, and have not some version of a Dark Triad personality-disorder, they will not be allowed to rise in society. A time is coming when the whole world will be grouped into those who are within the Anti-Christ Luciferian system and those who are not, and those who are not will be Targets for humiliation and annihilation, as I and many others are right now.
The Targets of this sadistic Satanic abomination are given no advocate. It is complete lawlessness playing out behind the veneer of lawful society. The world we see is a mask that hides the Dark Triad entities who are all around us, even in our households. Society has been set-up to accommodate and promote these Dark Triad people: to identify them and mold them from childhood, some from birth and pre-birth, and to take otherwise healthy people and turn them into pure sickness through mind-control and occult demonic possession. Gender dysphoria is an example of current mind-control over the vulnerable youth to transform their lives into lunacy and enslavement: a Dark Triad child.
The top political elite in America are beyond recovery in their rape and murder of children, but the FBI delivers these demonic murderers from harm, even after video evidence emerges, such as Hillary Clinton peeling the face off of a fifteen year old girl (I’ve seen images from the video), as found on Anthony Weiner’s laptop (with it said that 9 of the 10 people who saw it are now dead); and Hunter Biden videos in which he is naked with five and six year old naked Asian girls (I’ve seen parts of the video); and Joe Biden completely naked with a tied up naked teen age girl whom he was whipping with a leather strap (I’ve seen the video). They are the upper-crust of the world’s death cult, and the very fact that these people have not only continued on for all of these decades, but have even been our nation’s “leaders,” shows the dire and horrific MKUltra mind-control take-down of the West.
I believe this Gang Stalking hidden murder-for-hire ring was set-up specifically to feed the monsters of the Anti-Christ’s coming army. Like orcs of Mordor, their Satanic inclinations must be fed and maintained and increased with every kill so that the devil’s army is never diminished but grows with each passing year. Every murder is a Satanic ritual sacrifice to assure themselves more power for the game, for these human/demonic entities feed off of the suffering of the innocent. They must have fuel, and have it daily. They are mind-controlled, but they are also ever increasingly chemically addicted to the horrors they perform and witness. They are addicted to power and taking power over human emotions and the very souls of their victims. The army must get bigger and eviler as time passes, leading up to the final tribulation and slaughter of God’s people and the final war against Jesus Christ, the one they hate more than anything.
[1] Consider Chinese water-torture using slow drips of water on the head over days to drive victims insane. Gang Stalking is based on this exact same premise.